BOLDON 10ml 300mg/1ml
Boldenone is a steroid with high anabolic and moderate androgenic activity. The active ingredient in this AAS is Boldenone Undesylenate. This substance was developed for veterinary use, but is also approved for human use. The peculiarity of this anabolic is the ability to effectively stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues.This is one of the safest drugs on the pharma market. As a result, Boldenone can be purchased not only by experienced bodybuilders, but also by beginners. In addition, it is allowed to conduct courses with the participation of this steroid by women to improve sports results.Boldenone Undesylenate is a testosterone derivative. Its molecular structure resembles that of Metandienone. However, Bold is virtually unflavored, which eliminates the possibility of estrogenic-type side effects.
Effects of Boldenone
The most important properties of the drug for athletes are the following:
We would also like to point out the product's ability to significantly increase the number of red cells in the blood. As a result, athletes who decide to order Boldenone will be able to achieve a powerful pamping effect during the course of the drug. The high popularity of this anabolic is not only due to its excellent effectiveness. The price of Boldenone also looks very attractive.
Boldenone Solo Course
Beginners athletes should not inject more than 400-500 mg of Bold during the week. Experienced bodybuilders can use up to 800 mg for a similar time period. For female athletes, the weekly dosage is a maximum of 100 mg. The duration of courses is in the range of 2-3 months.
Combining the drug
Boldenone can be combined with any AAS. Most often, athletes use long Testosterone and Trenbolone, Metandienone, Oxymetholone, and Deca for this purpose. All of these binds are aimed at gaining the maximum amount of mass. However, you can also use Bold while working on body relief. Such courses can be performed due to combining Boldenone with Trenbolone Acetate, Stanozolol, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, short Testosterones, Winstrol, Turinabol.
PCT after a course of Boldenone
In 14-16 weeks after the last injection you can start taking BCT. Take either Tamoxifen or Clomid for 2-3 weeks.