MIXOS 400 (Test.Enan. 200mg + Tren.Enan. 100mg + Drost.Enan. 100mg)The active substance is:

Each milliliter of the oily solution contains the following:

Trenbolone enanthate 100 mg/ml

Drostanolone enanthate 100 mg/ml

Testosterone enanthate 200 mg/ml


CHEMICAL NAME: 17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-triene-3-one

HALF-LIFE: 10 days




Trenbolone enanthate is the most powerful anabolic steroid commercially disposable. For trenbolone, it exists a fear

of the unknowable, which tends to scare people. However, we must get that the anabolic steroid trenbolone is

destined for intermediate and advanced users, it should not be consume by beginners or by the ones that are in the

first treatment. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid, which has to be respected. Trenbolone is a substance that is affined

with side effects and risks that we won’t find in any other anabolic steroids. An irresponsible and wrong use of this

substance has the power to inflict serious health problems. Trenbolone is fundamentally a derivate of nandrolone with

some very important discrepancies in their chemical features and strength. Trenbolone and its parental hormone

nandrolone is part of the category of anabolic steroids known as 19-nor compound, or 19-NORS (short for

19-nortestosterone). 19-nor anabolic steroids are named steroids with an absence of the 19 carbon in their structure,

in opposite of all other anabolic steroids, including testosterone, there isn´t a lack of this carbon. This will significantly

modify the characteristics of an anabolic steroid. What creates the 19-nor is compound extremely resistant to the

enzyme aromatase this lack of carbon 19. Those alterations are also the responsible of the androgen power (binding

to the androgen receptor), and its ability to maintain very resilient to the metabolic breakdown in the organism.

Operation of Masteron

Masteron is a strong androgen. It does not aromatize, in fact, it consumes many aromatase enzymes without being

changed. Because masteron is so androgenic, you do not need to expect a large increase in muscle mass while the

muscle strength is increasing. For this reason, it is almost exclusively used during cutting. In a cut cure it is often used

by bodybuilders with a low fat percentage to give the muscles a harder look. It is also an interesting tool for athletes

who are divided into weight classes because the muscle strength increases while the body weight remains the same

or becomes lower. In a cut cure, masteron must be combined with other means because it itself can not ensure that

enough muscle mass is retained.

Operation of Testosterone

In the body testosterone partly converts to both DHT and estrogen. This estrogen causes an increase in glycogen

storage and release of growth hormone, in addition the number of androgen receptors increases. DHT and

testosterone increase muscle strength and mass through the androgen receptor. Unfortunately, the conversion to

DHT and estrogen also causes the side effects associated with these substances. In estrogen, these include water

retention and gynecomastia. At DHT this is enlargement of the prostate and loss of the head hair. Testosterone also

causes an increase in muscle fibers and protects against muscle loss during cutting. In addition, it causes an increase

of red blood cells, this ensures better endurance and better recovery after activity.

The estrogen-related side effects can be inhibited by inhibiting the conversion to estrogen or by blocking the estrogen

receptor. The first is done by proviron, arimidex, aromasin or letrozole, proviron is preferred here because it also has a

slightly androgenic effect and increases the amount of free testosterone in the body. In the second case, nolvadex can

be used to block the estrogen receptor. The DHT-related side effects can be inhibited by inhibiting the conversion to

DHT. This can be done with finasteride.


For the goal of getting a better athletic performance (muscle growth and strength) the recommended dosage is from

250 to 750 mg per week, for a maximum period of 6

-8 weeks. To keep a stable level of an anabolic steroid in the blood, MIXOS 400 is recommended to be used each

2-3 days. The product is in the body for about 6-8 weeks. The product is really powerful that a relatively brief period of

time lock the production of endogenous testosterone. So immediately after the end of the treatment PCT is



Not to be refrigerated. Store in a cool dry place below 25°C. Protect from direct light. Keep away from children.