Testos C 10ml 200mg/1ml

Testos C200 is a product from TurON Group based on Testosterone Cypionate. This ester of the male hormone is very popular among athletes. We recommend to buy Test C for powerful courses for gaining mass. Note that Tsipyk can be used even by novice athletes. But this drug is contraindicated for female athletes.Testosterone Cypionate is a strong anabolic and androgen that has a long half-life. If you decide to order Test C, you will be able to gain a large amount of weight with a minimum injection frequency. However, it is not this fact that draws the attention of athletes to Cipic. It is primarily due to its high effectiveness.

The Effects of Test C

Among the most important properties of the steroid for builders we will note:

  • accelerates the reactions of hypertrophy of muscle tissues;
  • eliminates pain in the joints;
  • increases appetite;
  • Increases sexual appetite;
  • Has strong anti-catabolic properties;
  • increases strength potential.

Also note that the price of Test C does not seem overpriced. You can buy this steroid on favorable conditions in our store.

Test C Solo Course

The recommended weekly dosage of the drug is in the range of 250-750 mg. Taking into account the long half-life of cypic, to maintain an even hormonal background you need to take maximum 2 injections for 7 days. Do not forget about the necessity of using aromatase inhibitors in courses of testosterone-containing AAS, which Cypionate belongs to. Most often, athletes choose Anastrozole. The duration of the course is on average 10-12 weeks.

Combining the drug.

All testosterone-containing steroids combine perfectly with any AAS. The most popular among athletes are combinations of Cipic with the following drugs: Parabolan, Trenbolone Enanthate, Boldenone, Methandienone, Oxymetholone, Nandrolone Decanoate.

SCT after a course of Test C

This is a strong drug and after completing a course with its participation, you need to conduct a recovery therapy. Its duration depends on the severity of the course. During 3-5 weeks take 20 mg of tamox or 100-50 mg of Clomiphene Citrate.