TESTON MIX 10ml 300mg/1ml

Sustanon is a popular composite steroid. The uniqueness of this AAS lies in its composition. It contains several active ingredients at once, 4 to be exact. At the same time, all of them are esters of testosterone. The difference between them lies in the half-life. Due to the presence of Propionate and Phenylpropionate in the composition of the joint, the drug is able to take effect almost immediately after injection.However, it also contains Isocaproate and Decanoate. These esters have a long half-life, which allows the steroid to affect the body for a long time. Based on the composition of this AAS, we can say with certainty that it has high anabolic and androgenic properties. Most often, athletes decide to buy Sustanon to gain a lot of mass. In addition, with its help, you can improve your strength potential. It is quite obvious that only men can order Sustanon.

Effects of Testos Mix

Here are some of the most important positive properties of the steroid:

  • Allows you to gain large amounts of mass;
  • Improves the performance of the joint and ligament apparatus;
  • Increases appetite;
  • enhances sexual performance;
  • Increases the strength potential.

It is also worth noting the high anti-catabolic activity of this drug. As for the price of Sustanon, it is as fair as possible, considering the effectiveness of the anabolism.

Sustanon solo course

The weekly dose is 250-750 mg. Since the drug is able to affect the body for a long time, it is enough to take a maximum of 2 injections during seven days. Since all testosterone containing anabolics are prone to aromatization, it is necessary to introduce Anastrozole into the composition of the course with Sustanon. The duration of the course is 2-3 months.

Combining the drug

Most often athletes use the following drugs for combination courses: Parabolan, Trenbolone Enanthate, Boldenone, Methandienone, Oxymetholone, Nandrolone Decanoate. Thanks to these bundles you can gain a lot of mass.

PCT after a course of Sustanon

After 14-16 days from the last injection, you will have to start reconstitution therapy. Its duration depending on the strength of the course is 3-5 weeks. Most often during this period athletes take Clomid or Tamoxifen. you can also use Toremifen, but this anti-estrogen has a rather high cost and is not popular with bodybuilders.